Prøv Madden IRL – bliv en del af U16 teamet!

Får du heller ikke nok spilletid? Prøv Madden IRL! Du er 14-15 år, dine forældre brokker sig over at du gamer for meget og hvis du overhovedet laver noget fysisk, så er det bare ikke så sjovt, som det har været: For lidt action, for lidt six-pack, for mange krav. Vi kender det. Vi føler […]

U16 starter med et nederlag

Af Jeanette Due CopenhagenTowers-Kronborg-Knights mødte lørdag den 27. april 2019 Frederikssund Oaks på udebane, hvilket desværre resulterede i et stort nederlag 56-6. Vores 11 mands ( spiller 9 mand) store hold rendte tidlig i kampen ind i nogle skadede, så pludselig er vi nede på 8 spillere. Som altid og hatten af for Oaks stille […]

Towers’ 2017 head coaches

All Towers head coaches will be back in 2017. Yet four of five Towers teams will have new head coaches. The coaching carrousel has turned and Peter Herbild is the only head coach to be back with the same squad in 2017. The senior team staff will work hard In the off season in order […]

Towers QB aces coaching exam

Kasper Skyum is not only the starting QB for our National League team, but also an accomplished coach. This past week he passed the final exam of his ‘Diploma of Expert Coaching’ course with flying colors and thus adding to the already solid coaching credentials of the Towers organization. Football is a very big part […]